Project Examples
Microwave Backhaul
Point-to-Point Links
Links and Fresnel zones from microwave software package can be imported into Google Earth to validate line-of-sight.
High-Speed Video Links for Port Security
Point-to-Point Links
Green lines are Gigabit Ethernet Millimeter-wave links (70-80 GHz) for high speed video as part of a Homeland Security project. Blue links are 23 GHz operating at 300 Mbps. All designs, frequency coordination and licensing performed by SpectraNet.
Microwave Spatial Diversity on 50 Mile Path
Point-to-Point Links
Example microwave link design of a 50 mile over-the-water path.
Terrain and Clutter Path Profiles
GIS, Point-to-Point Links
In this example, we used 1/3 second terrain elevation data with high-resolution LIDAR clutter data.
Multipath Theoretical Analysis
Point-to-Point Links
Multipath fading prediction vs. K factor showing deep fades for certain refractive index gradients that may sporadically occur for this region.
Multipath Fading Measurements
Point-to-Point Links
Measurements of receive power for over-the-water VHF links during fade events. Peak dB fade depths are in the same range as predicted theoretically.
Average Microwave Fade Duration vs. Margin
Point-to-Point Links
Calculation of the average fade duration versus fade margin for 6 & 11 GHz (Midwest US).
Microwave Fade Statistics vs. Margin
Point-to-Point Links
Vigant-Barnett fade statistics for 6 & 11 GHz (Midwest US).
Microwave Network Reliability Summary
Point-to-Point Links
Imported links from the microwave program are imported into Excel where the reliability statistics are automatically created and summarized for multiple hops in a hub and spoke design.

MMW-FSO Hybrid Link–Distance vs. Availability
Photonics & Fiber-Optics, Point-to-Point Links, System Engineering/Modeling
Maximum distance vs. availability for a hybrid MMW/FSO link in Chicago using certain FSO and MMW radio specifications.

FSO Up-Time Percentage in a Hybrid MMW/FSO link
Photonics & Fiber-Optics, Point-to-Point Links, System Engineering/Modeling
Plot assumes that the MMW radio link is the primary link. Calculation assumed certain FSO and MMW radio specifications.
HF Communications Modeling
Point-to-Point Links, System Engineering/Modeling
Example modeling of ionospheric HF propagation reliability as a function of frequency, time of day, season, and year. Not shown: corresponding point-to-point latency modeling outputs and measurements.
Modeling of Ice Attenuation on Antenna Radome
Point-to-Point Links, System Engineering/Modeling
Attenuation verses antenna radome ice thickness was calculated based on the measured complex permittivity of ice at various microwave frequencies.
Lab Simulation of Microwave Fading
Point-to-Point Links, System Engineering/Modeling
A lab simulation was implemented using a voltage controlled variable attenuator driven by a function generator to create arbitrary fade events to assess switching performance in a protected SONET ring.
FSO Installation for NY-NJ Link after 9/11
Photonics & Fiber-Optics, Point-to-Point Links
Disaster recover: Free Space Optics (FSO) link connecting NJ and NY Merrill Lynch offices after 9/11. Photo by Mike Lucero.

Satellite Ground Station Noise Measurements
Outdoor RF Coverage, Point-to-Point Links, System Engineering/Modeling
Violet areas are near-line-of-sight regions common to the suspected noise source and the Satellite ground station, which experienced more noise when pointed in the Azimuth direction of a hydroelectric dam.