Project Examples

Wireless coverage maps for cellular carrier and enterprise service providers, WiFi, WiMax, Long Term Evolution (LTE), 3G, 2G, Public Safety, and Government. Read more here…

Wireless Coverage Maps

Cellular coverage for 2100 MHz 3-sector LTE BTS using 1/3 second elevation and no clutter.

Outdoor Coverage Using LIDAR Clutter


Cellular coverage for 2100 MHz 3-sector LTE BTS using 1/3 second elevation and high-resolution LIDAR clutter.

Spokane 700 MHz LTE RF Coverage


RF Coverage for 700 MHz LTE for multiple cell sites in Spokane County.

Spokane 700 MHz LTE RF Coverage


RF coverage calculation using Hata model for urban, suburban, and rural areas in Spokane County.

Outdoor WiFi

Outdoor WiFi coverage assuming worse-case link budget for uplink.

Broadband Wireless–Financial Analysis


Financial analysis for a particular outdoor broadband wireless deployment assuming certain monthly subscription fees, market penetration, base station density, capital, and recurring network expenses (ROI = Return on Investment).

RF Loss Through Trees


Example RF Loss versus tree depth at various frequencies. Exact loss coefficients will depend on the tree type and density (evergreen, deciduous, wet evergreen forest, etc.).

Satellite Ground Station Noise Measurements

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Violet areas are near-line-of-sight regions common to the suspected noise source and the Satellite ground station, which experienced more noise when pointed in the Azimuth direction of a hydroelectric dam.