Jeff C. Adams, P.E.

Jeff Adams has over 25 years experience in the fields of RF, microwave, and photonics technology. For the last 15 years he has been designing wireless systems for network operators in the US and abroad.
Before starting SpectraNet, he was Vice President of Technology for Terabeam Corporation, where he was responsible for technical marketing, competitive analyses, engineering sales support, and other “customer-facing” technical communications worldwide. Prior to that he was Director of Sales Engineering in Europe for Free-Space Optics (FSO) and Millimeter Wave (MMW) wireless carrier products. While in London, he was also responsible for product technical specifications within the European Technical Standards Institute (ETSI). Jeff has worked with government regulatory groups in Asia, Latin America, and Europe on frequency allocations for new millimeter-wave wireless products, and has twice been a United States delegate at international telecommunication conferences. He was also Director of Research & Development for 3 years. Before joining Terabeam, he spent 10 years as a senior specialist engineer in Research & Development at the Boeing Company, where he led projects in the areas of photonics, laser technology, microwaves, and electronics.
Jeff has 29 published technical papers, 8 issued patents (and 2 pending). Licenses, degrees, and certifications: Professional Engineer, State of Washington; MSEE; Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA); IEEE Certified Wireless Communication Engineering Technologies (WCET); Extra Class Radio Operator; Senior Member of the Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Jeff also has in-building distributed antenna (I-DAS) and small cell iBwave design certifications Level 1 and Level 2.
Jeff’s LinkedIn profile:
Robert Ettorre
RF Engineer
Robert Ettorre has 25 years experience in the field of electromagnetics, including wave propagation, scattering, random media, antenna design, RF design, coupling analysis, and transmission line analysis. His work at the Boeing Company has led to advancements in helicopter signature reduction, conformal antenna signature reduction, indoor electromagnetic scattering test range performance in the area of low frequency field quality and acquisition software, near-field array measurements, and electromagnetic interference techniques applied to Doppler radar. Mr. Ettorre has performed extensive analysis in the areas of transient transmission line propagation from fields generated by lightning and high intensity electromagnetic pulse events, and multi-layer circuit board coupling. He has also done extensive embedded software design to support electromagnetic sensors and navigation systems.
Rob holds a Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Washington. His graduate research was in electromagnetic propagation in random media under Dr. Leung Tsang and Dr. Ishimaru.
SpectraNet Partners
Mike Groseclose
GIS Expert
Mike Groseclose has over 27 years of mapping and GIS experience. Mike is skilled not only in GIS mapping skills but also geospatial application development. . Software expertise: MapInfo, ArcGIS, Vertical Mapper, Manifold GIS Trimble Pro XR, Trimble pathfinder Office, Python, Javascript, Adobe Actionscript, MapBasic, ArcObjects, Visual Basic.NET, ASP.NET, VBscript, MapInfo SpatialWare (SQL), Oracle PL/SQL, ArcObjects, Adobe Flex MS SQL Server, Oracle, MS Access, and FoxPro.
Barbara A. Capron, Claudio G. Parazzoli, Jeff C. Adams, “Experimental Comparison of the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of Ghost Images for Entangled and Thermal Light,” OSA’s 94th Annual Frontiers in Optics 2010/Laser Science XXVI, October 24, 2010.
Claudio G Parazzoli, Barbara A. Capron, Jeff Adams, Kam Wai, Clifford Chan, Malcolm N. O’Sullivan, Robert W. Boyd, Jeffrey H. Hunt, “Ghost Imaging with Entangled Light-Comparison of Theory and Experiment,” IQEC JTuD99 May 2009.
Jeff C. Adams, “Broadband Applications Using Point-to-Point Wireless Technology,” APEC Telecommunications and Information Working Group, 28th Annual Meeting, Taipei, October, 2003
Jeff C. Adams, “Characteristics and Applications of 60-74 GHz Radios”, 2nd Annual Wireless Broadband Forum, Cambridge, UK, November 25, 2003.
Eric C. Eisenberg, Jeff C. Adams, and Carrie S. Cornish, “Measurement by reflection analysis of optical attenuation through windows,” Proc. SPIE 4530, Optical Wireless Communications IV, November 27, 2001
Eric Y. Chan, Jeff C. Adams, Jonathan M. Saint Clair, Kenneth A. Morrison, and Martin Sosa, “Application of COTS high-speed 980-nm pump laser diode and driver for free-space laser communication terminal” SPIE Proceedings on Digital Wireless Communication, Orlando, Florida, Vol. 3708, p. 79, May 4,1999.
Eric Y. Chan, Jeff C. Adams, Jonathan M. Saint Clair, Kenneth A. Morrison, and Martin Sosa, “Application of COTS high-power laser diodes and driver for a free-space laser communication terminal,” SPIE Proceedings on Free Space Laser Communications Technologies, Vol. 3266, 54, January 24, 1998
J. C. Adams, R. A. Falk, S. G. Ferrier, and C. D. Capps, “Electro-optic Imaging of Internal Fields in (111) GaAs Photocondcutors,” IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 42, p. 1081, June 1995.
R. A. Falk, J. C. Adams, C. D. Capps, S. G. Ferrier, and J. A. Krinsky, “Electro-optic Imagery of High-Voltage GaAs Photoconductive Switches,” IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 42, p. 43, January 1995.
R. A. Falk, J. C. Adams, C. D. Capps, J. A. Krinsky, and S. G. Ferrier, “Direct Electro-optic Measurements of the Internal Fields of GaAs Photoconductive Switches,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 2343, p. 2, January 4, 1995.
L. Mu, W. R. Donaldson, J. C. Adams, and R. A. Falk, “Interactions Between Electromagnetic Fields and Laser Induced Electron-Hole plasmas in GaAs,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 2343, p. 107, January 4, 1995.
R. B. Darling, R. A. Falk, C. D. Capps, and J. C. Adams, “Pre-Firing Electric Field Distribution in Semi-Insulating GaAs Bulk Avalanche Switches,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 2343, p. 60, January 4, 1995.
R. A. Falk, C. D. Capps, and J. C. Adams, “Tunable Photoconductive Switch Based Microwave Source,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 2343, p. 187, (Boston, 1994).
J. C. Adams, S. G. Ferrier, R. A. Falk, and C. D. Capps, “Electro-optic Measurement of GaAs switch voltage during optically activated avalanche,” IEEE Trans. on Electron Devices, Vol. 41, p. 660, May 1994.
C. D. Capps, R. A. Falk, and J. C. Adams, “Time dependent model of optically activated GaAs switch,” J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 11, Dec. 1, p. 6645, December 1993.
J. C. Adams, C. D. Capps, R. A. Falk, and S. G. Ferrier, “Below band-gap electroabsorption in Si-GaAs,” Appl. Phys. Lett., p. 633, 1993.
J. C. Adams, R. A. Falk, C. D. Capps, and G. Bohnhoff-Hlavacek, “Characterization of current filamentation in GaAs photoconductive switches,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 1873, p. 10-20 (Los Angeles, 1992).
C. D. Capps, R. A. Falk, and J. C. Adams, “Time-dependent model of optically activated GaAs switch,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 1873, pp. 174-184, (Los Angeles, 1992).
R. A. Falk, J. C. Adams, S. G. Ferrier, and C. D. Capps, “Dynamic Optical Probing of High-Power Photoconductors,” Proceedings of the IEEE Ninth International Pulsed Power Conference, 1993.
H. Helava, M. Herman, C. Leung, J. Oicles, L. Ragle, S. Wessman, R. A. Falk, J. C. Adams, and S. J. Davis, “Bulk avalanche semiconductor switches (BASS) for high resolution ultra-wideband radar (UBWR) applications,” in SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 1873, (Los Angeles, 1992).
R. A. Falk, J. C. Adams, H. I. Helava, M. H. Herman, C. S. Leung, and R. A. Lewis, “Study and application of the Bulk Avalanche Semiconductor Switch (BASS),” SDIO/NRO, Baltimore, Maryland, 1992.
T. P. Pearsall, J. C. Adams, J. E. Wu, B. Z. Nosho, C. Aw, and J. C. Patton, “Time-resolved photoluminescence in anodically etched silicon,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 71, pp. 4470-4474, 1992.
T. P. Pearsall, J. C. Adams, J. N. Kidder, P. S. Williams, S. A. Chambers, J. Lach, D. T. Schwartz, and B. Z. Nosho, “Bright visible photoluminescence in thin silicon films,” Thin Solid Films, Vol. 222, p. 200, 1992.
J. C. Adams, T. P. Pearsall, J. E. Wu, B. Z. Nosho, C. Aw, and J. C. Patton, “Time-resolved photoluminescence in anodically etched silicon,” International Conference on Electronic Materials, June, 1992.
J. C. Adams, R. A. Falk, C. D. Capps, and S. G. Ferrier, “Current filamentation in GaAs photoconductive switches,” 19th International IEEE Conference on Plasma Science, (Tampa, Fla.) June, 1992.
J. C. Adams, R. A. Falk, C. D. Capps, and S. G. Ferrier, “Dark current characterization of GaAs photoconductive switches,” SPIE Proceedings of the Optically Activated Switching Conference, Vol. 1632, pp. 110-119, 1992.
R. A. Falk, J. C. Adams, and G. Bohnhoff-Hlavacek, “Optical Probe Techniques for Avalanching Photoconductors,” Proceedings of the IEEE Eighth International Pulsed Power Conference, pp.29-32, 1991.
R. A. Falk and J. C. Adams, “Temporal model of optically initiated avalanche switches,” SPIE Proceedings on Optically Activated Switching, Vol. 1378, p.70, 1991.
“Relativistic Semiconductor Plasma Wave Frequency Up-Converter,” Patent No. 5,323,024.
“Relativistic Semiconductor Plasma Wave Frequency Up-Converter with Energized Portion,”
Patent No. 5,428,226.
“Laser Pulse Synthesizer,” Patent No. 5,448,417.
“Voltage Stand Off Characteristics of Photoconductor Devices,” Patent No. 5,508,625.
“Method and Apparatus for Polarization Tracking in Wireless Optical Communication Systems,” Patent No. 6,490,070.
“Method and Apparatus for Tone Tracking in Wireless Optical Communication Systems,” Patent No. 6,483,621.
“Apparatus and Method to Measure Light Attenuation Through a Window,” Patent No. 6,603,554.
“Tone modulation for out-of-band communication in a free-space optical communications link”, 6,941,076.
“Method for Wireless Cell Site Collocation Optimization,” Patent Pending.
“Apparatus and Method for Low Latency Wireless Messaging,” Patent Pending
SpectraNet Resources
- Microwave design and outdoor RF coverage maps: PathLoss 5.0 with all available options/modules
- Indoor building and small cell wireless designs: iBwave (with propagation, collection, and optimization modules)
- GIS: MapInfo, Google Earth Professional, and Delorme Topo
- Spectrum Engineering Advanced Monte Carlo Analysis Tool (SEAMCAT)
- Instrument control, signal processing, and data analysis: LabView
- Mathematical Modeling: MathCad 14.0 and MathCad Prime 2.0
- Data acquisition, signal processing, simulation, and modeling: Octave, LabView
- Optical design: Zemax
- Finite element electromagnetic modeling: EZNEC 5.0
- Microsoft Office 2013 Professional
- HF ionospheric communication models, ionospheric propagation models
Hardware/Test Equipment
- Computer: Sager, Core i7 4910MQ w/8 Gb 2.9 GHz, 32 Gb DDR3; Graphics: nV GeForce GTX 880M w/8GB
- Tektronix 11402 1 Gsps digital oscilloscope with LabView control (amplifier plug-in’s: 11A52, 11A34, and 11A71)
- DSO-2100 100 Msps PC oscilloscope
- HP 8116A 50 MHz arbitrary function generator with LabView control
- Frequency counter
- Powers supplies (dual): HP 6234A& HP 6435A
- RF switches, dividers, attenuators, and other miscellaneous RF components
- HF/VHF radios and antennas
- Portable spectrum analyzer (6 GHz)
- Directional noise finder (with portable 3 element Yagi antenna)
- Experienced with JDSU RAN Advisor for I-DAS performance testing and/or in-building Macro cell measurements, PCTEL for CW Testing, EXFO equipment for fiber testing, and Rohde and Schwarz spectrum analyzers.
- C, Visual Basic, Excel VBA, LabView